Customized Mentoring For The Wicked Intelligent and other Smarty Pants


“You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here.” Desiderata

A Need for MORE…

Massey’s Table Talk is a response to the need I saw reflected in the eyes of many students for more. They want more time. They want more attention to their ideas. There is not enough time in the classroom for some students to express their thinking on challenging topics. Classrooms are crowded, and even the very best master teacher must adhere to the constraints of the schedule, but for some students, it is not enough. They are left feeling voiceless, and know tomorrow the class will move on to another topic. Some students want more time to debate, to discuss, and to explore their ideas and responses to everything. They are curious, verbal, and want time to see where their ideas can lead. These students want to read great literature and explore the “big ideas” of philosophy and life. They do not want to be rushed through content, rather they want to wallow and “roll around” in it.

Some students need more time and attention to their academic game. They are overwhelmed and disorganized. They avoid the work but care about their grades. They need more guided work time. They need more assistance prioritizing assignments and doing task analysis for better use of time. These students need recognition and guidance. Maybe they need help designing and complete a project or essay. Maybe they need focused preparation for the SAT or ACT.

Some students need more time to process their lives and to develop self identity with a nurturing adult who understands the challenges of being a unique individual in the world. Being identified as Gifted and Talented is irrelevant to participating in Table Talk. If your child attended a private elementary school, it is probable that they were never tested for G/T. Testing is only a legal requirement for public schools in Colorado. It can be a challenge to be a gifted learner for every students, but it is nearly impossible to understand the disconnect your child might be experiencing if they have never been identified. I attended a small private school and did not understand the constant feedback that I received in school growing up: “too many questions, that is enough discussion on that topic, you re so intense…” I never really felt connected like I saw other people connect. It was lonely sometimes. Some students feel the same way. They have been disenfranchised from school. They are “able” but don't “do.” Many of these students have never been identified, and so feel invisible and wronged. They need time with an adult who has been there and understands. They need time to feel accepted for who they are, to recognize their gifts , and to see the value that they can bring to their academics and life beyond the classroom by understanding themselves ore fully.

Massey’s Table Talk is in honor of my father with whom I enjoyed endless hours of deep and complex conversations about great literature and how it reflected life - all while sitting around the dinner table. All students deserve that kind of accepting, recognizing, and valuing of their ideas. In twenty-six years of teaching in the public schools, I realized there wasn’t time to offer it to any student. Everyone assumes that students are just fine with that.

Tragically they often are not fine. During the 2017-18 school year, I attended the funerals for two incredibly lovely, wicked smart students who committed suicide. Every demographic of student needs MORE acceptance, understanding, time, and attention. I am called to serve the wicked smart, challenging, defiant, artistic, quiet, curious, emotional, and otherwise intense learner.


“You made me feel that I have worth beyond my GPA and what college I get into…you are a teacher in your soul, and your wisdom pours out whenever you speak. You have changed me more as a person than I could have imagined.” Emma S. (student)

“Ms. Massey was my favorite teacher at East. She pushed me to do less perfunctory work and put more effort into my work. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. The class was hard, but I had Ms. Massey by my side, so I had faith. I really recommend her as a tutor because with her by your side, you wont fail either.” Stephan G. (student)


Ms. Massey’s background



Jessica Donovan-Massey

Colorado certified Gifted and Talented Specialist

Denver Public Schools first annual "Rae Harris Award for Intellectual Curiosity” recipient

Denver Public Schools distinguished East High school teacher for 12 years, with 26 years in DPS

Advanced Placement Literature trained teacher

Depth and Complexity trained teacher

Colorado certified English teacher

“A+ Angels Award” recipient

“Terrific Teacher Making a Difference Award” recipient

Denver Public Schools curriculum designer

Denver Public Schools Assessment and Testing designer