Customized Mentoring For The Wicked Intelligent and other Smarty Pants


After identifying your needs, we will work together to refine and implement strategies designed to promote your success.



classroom SUCCESS

Content specific and geared toward task completion in all-levels of literature reading and analysis, essay writing, grammar, vocabulary, and homework completion including AP Literature, AP Language, AP Psychology, Ap Government, Human geography.

more solace please…

Sometimes it is not easy to be gifted in this day and age. We can feel like outsiders, different than other people but not always well liked for it. We can be unique in the way we approach the world. We can feel achy to do something, but not have time or place to think about what it is … let alone actually explore it. We can be intensely emotional and easily bored. In these sessions we explore ourselves, our ideas, our interests, and our role in the world.

More about Massey’s Tools

My joy and my degree are literature and the real life conversations that it can inspire. Great literature holds a mirror to the important truths we all need to know and understand. The pleasure of the debate , the evidence, the repartee is wonderful for students and for me.

“Depth and Complexity” is the only tool recognized by the Colorado Department of Education to enhance advanced cognition and divergent thinking. It is a mnemonic device based strategy that does exactly what it says …it encourages deep and complex thinking about literature, philosophy, current, events, history, and nearly every other area of study. Once these muscles are exercised and trained, students are able to engage this level of thinking in all arenas.

Philosophy for Teens involves role playing, complex issues and deep conversations around the issues that have always plagues society. It is designed to promote empathy and an understanding of the philosophical tenants of our world.

Enneagram work involves mindfully reflecting on ourselves as we engage with the world. It is an ancient tool that has been refined over the centuries and has recently found a resurgence as a powerful tool for self discovery.

College essay writing

Ready to start the college application process? No matter who guides you through the process, I can help you get the essays in top shape! I have helped students with essays for the common ap, private and public universities, military academies, and Ivy League schools. I can help you write powerful college essays too!

Guide on the side

This is supported time to work on a specific essay or project. Work could be class related or your own fascinating inspiration that we explore from inception to presentation. The executive functions of planning, organization, time management, dedication, and follow through will be examined mindfully through the process.

Moments for moms

Do something renewing and join me as we read the very best literature. We will entertain real-life conversations inspired by literature but still relevant. Books might include: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Crime and Punishment, Pride and Prejudice, Candide, Siddhartha, The Cather in the Rye, A Prayer for Owen Meany, and anything by Shakespeare.

SAT/ACT English Preparation

Is it time to get serious about these rotten tests? Well these session will provide learners with the tools needed to succeed on them. More than rote test practice, we actually learn information allowing for a strategic and confident approach to the English section of the tests.